Rainy Day at Home

If you are a Southern Californian, you will know that if your Day Off happens to fall on a rainy day this is the luckiest of all circumstances. To us, it is a treat. A beautiful excuse to declare that you are going to stay mostly inside for your day off - and you get to feel completely okay about it.

Today I put in every effort I had to really and truly experience one of those cozy, relaxed and precious days off in the rain - the utmost example of what one should do to truly enjoy themselves and live in the beauty of a cloudy, dark day.

Here is what I found:

1. Set the Mood.

For me, it was lighting the candles, turning on the Christmas lights outside of my little place, and playing some low level Fleetwood Mac in the background to really get me in the mood of a wintery day. I found, as I've always noticed, that when you make these small and seemingly meaningless adjustments to our environments it actually allows us to be more present in the day. It will set a tone for whatever activity we'd like to do and make it a more memorable experience.

2. Pick Up a Good Book.

Right now I've been reading Michelle Obama's Becoming which is hands down one of the best books I have ever read. It is something about the environment of a good book and a rainy day that seems to go hand in hand. It must have something to do with the calming energy of both elements that just combine to make the perfect moment. 

I've recently become more into herbal tea so I was able to pour a cup of Chamomile to go along with my book and tucked into my little reading corner. Bonus Tip: If you have the opportunity to sit in a place that you don't normally sit in this also elevates the experience. 

3. Adventure to a Coffee Shop.

As I normally do on a day off, I made it a point to head to my favorite coffee shop and order a cappuccino "for here", none of that To-Go American crap today. Bringing along my bullet journal or another good book to read makes it feel like an actual activity. There's something about savoring a coffee while you sit, marveling at its creamy foam and smelling its amazing coffee aroma, that just brings it to a whole new level, right?? It sure is a lot better than gulping it down as you drive down the 405 in its paper cup that somehow still manages to drip all over the place.

On a rainy day of course it's extra special. Even the passers-by looked at me in envy as I decided to take a few moments to sit and enjoy the rainy day view vs. jetting off to the next destination. Give the tip a try! It will make you immediately more French, I promise.

4. Visit a Book Store.

There's something about my Book Store obsession that makes me feel like a little girl and an old lady all at once. I get such a thrill when heading to a cute local bookstore like this one at the Brentwood Country Mart that even driving over I'm dreaming of all of the books I may find. It's my grown-up toy store! I suppose it might be because I'm naturally a dreamer and it's the perfect method for me to dream up what I might learn next, what I might find out about the world or myself that I didn't already know. (Yes, I am a self-development fanatic if you can't already tell).

Of course, at the same time I realize that when your life's excitement equates to a book store visit you are officially old. O-L-D. No more days of when I lived in San Diego and liked to pass my time on my days off drinking beer on my deck with friends and then heading to some music venue. Now I enjoy everything extremely quiet. Ah yes, quiet.

5. Bake Something New.

I have been dreaming about baking Madeleines for 3 friggin' years now. It's always been one of those desires I've had every time I place one of the warm, spongey, buttery goodnesses in my mouth but I've always dragged my feet because of that requirement to purchase the specific Madeleine pan.

Ok, well now all I can think is  - how did I wait this long?? Oh my gosh, not only was it such a fun and fulfilling rainy day activity - shopping for the special ingredients, lighting a candle, turning on a podcast, whipping up the batter, licking the bowl when done - but these turned out amazingly well! I can't even call myself a baker but these will just have to be a frequent go-to of mine.

What have you always dreamed of baking but never had the energy to do? Carve out a couple hours in your rainy day to accomplish a treat you've always wanted to make.


I hope you enjoyed this little bit of inspiration and encouragement to unwind, indulge and take pleasure in the simple bits of a rainy day.

From my little Californian cottage to yours -



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